Sunday, November 4, 2012

Everybody Needs Some Taxing Sometime!
Foolish myths trump common sense in Plutocracy USA

Is it ever the right time to increase taxes for any group of Americans? If we believe in pay as you go, the answer must be an unqualified "Yes". The economic success experienced by most Americans during the Clinton years bears this out. Yet now we are told by rich conservative profiteers that tax cuts for rich folks are the only hope for job creation and a secure future.

Future generations will be paying for George W Bush's war-driven spending spree for some time. Yet the source of that debt gets glossed over repeatedly in our political discourse. Ryan-Romney continue to endorse Grover Norquist's approved nostrum of tax cuts always, under every circumstance, forever, amen.

Those who are not über-rich have been getting an increasingly rawer deal ever since the no-tax increase pledge became the price of admission to the Republican Party. Wealth hoarding and denial of opportunity to those who are down is the current state of right wing depravity. These are prime platform timbers.

Today, even maintaining a middle class life style has become increasingly difficult. Those below über-rich status are currently facing unprecedented barriers to upward mobility thanks to the no-tax increase doctrine even for super wealthy folks and even in the midst of the current debt crisis. To be clear, the insistence on perpetual tax cuts is fueling the debt crisis, not solving it!

That "debt crisis" was of course deliberately engineered by Republicans to provide extremely wealthy folks with even more opportunities to get richer. That's why their lobbyists get the big bucks. For those not paying attention, George W Bush did the real heavy lifting to move us to the financial cliff we are facing. Trillion dollar wars, Medicare forbidden from negotiating with drug companies, and debt interest due to abandonment of pay as you go are the major culprits. The Tea Party fiscal insurgents did their part as well, causing a downgrade of US debt. Tea Party debt zealots are enemies of the American republic, not defenders of it.

Mitt Romney and the boy wonder take great pains to distance themselves from George Bush. Yet they are running plays from the same Karl Rove playbook. They have bet everything on the electorate overlooking unprecedented, record filibustering from Congressional Republicans.

The folks who most deserve to be fired from public service are Tea Party members. They are responsible for the downgrade of US debt and the continued imperilment of the working Americans.

The final Presidential Debate should erase the idea in anybody's mind that Mitt Romney is a fiscal conservative. He is absolutely in favor of unrestrained defense spending even as he's slashing social spending. Romney favors spending WAY above levels requested by the military and necessary for national defense. A lean military is something Romney will never embrace. There is too much political capital at stake.

If elected, Mitt Romney would be the Defense Lobbyist in Chief. We as a country must reject Romney and his 5 point plan. We have a too much military-industrial spending now and our infrastructure needs modernization if America is to remain competitive and continue our recovery. The best course of action is to remove Tea Party obstructionists and their enablers from Congress.

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